Because these tools are good at doing their work, it can be difficult for a person to find out and understand whether a person has used an AI tool to create or write a particular content. There have been instances where people have been caught using these tools because either the content has been plagiarised or is simply factually incorrect. Today, we will be looking at the best AI detection tools that can help you check if any has written a particular piece of content of the popular AI writing tools. Let’s take a look.


One of the biggest issues nowadays is combatting fake news. You see, a lot of people tend to simply share or, for that matter, create fake news that may or may not lead to a negative impact.  Thankfully, with GROVER, you will be able to detect all sorts of fake news. This a state-of-the-art tool developed to detect fake news with the highest accuracy. Whether a person has said down and published fake news or whether it was written by an AI tool itself, GROVER is able to detect it. However, the problem lies in the tools being used to create fake news. GROVER  is one of the AI tools out there that are able to create such fake news. Using the same tool against itself might seem funny, but it is the best way to detect fake news being generated. Website Link: GROVER AI

Easily Detect Fake News Articles Uses Same Models Used By Fake News Generating Tools 97% Accuracy Source Code Available Publicly

Can Easily Create Fake News With This Tool Currently, Slow Response TIme AI Content Detector is a popular website that is used by a lot of businesses. This is a tool that helps you use the right grammar and words for your content, be it marketing copies, copywriting content, and similar other things. The good part about this service is that it also has an AI Content Detctr tool. This tool lets you detect content that is written up by any AI service like ChatGPT and others AI text generation tools. This AI Conetnt detection tool is able to detect whether any text is written by a human being or an AI tool. The tool will display the percentage score based on the content. If you score zero percent, you will have to go ahead and make changes to your text until you receive a score of 80% and above. Website Link: AI Content Detector

Free To Use Displays Score Percentage Based On The Provided text Provides Suggestions To Change Or Reduce AI-Generated Content

Limited Upto 350 Words Issues With Accuracy Changing or Removing a Word or Punctuation Mark Can Change whether Its AI or Human Written text.

Copyleaks: AI Content Detector

Copyleaks is another great AI content detection service that doe its job with 99.12% of accuracy. The reason it’s able to detect such content with high accuracy is only that Copyleaks is a plagiarism checker. Hence it’s trained well enough to easily detect what content is generated by AI and what isn’t. Copyleaks is also able to show you the results of the detection within a matter of seconds.  Everybody wants that the service the results quickly so that they can make sensible decisions. Copyleaks seem to be the preferred choice for many only because it has support for a number of languages. Whether you use ChatGPT or any other AI tool to write content, Copyleaks is going to find it. The best part about Copyleaks is that the developers have already made it public about supporting text written by ChatGPT 4 when it releases. Best of all, if you use Google Chrome, you can install the free browser extension to detect AI-generated content on the go. Website Link: Copyleaks AI Content Detector

Supports Multiple Languages High Accuracy Quickly Displays Results Free To Use

Detection Caa Be Tricked Easily AI Paraphraser Avoids Detection

Originality ai

Originality ai is similar to Copyleaks. It started out as a plagiarism tool checker and has now entered the waters of AI detection tools. Now, in order to make use of this tool, you will first have to first signup for a paid account. is easily able to detect content written by popular AI writing tools such as CHat GPT, Chat GPT 3, and also Chat GPT 3.5. With, you can check 100 words for 0.01$, the cheapest there ever is in the market. Website Link:

Cheap and Affordable Check Plagiarism and AI Written Content Scans Full Websites Easy To Use Chome Extention

Can Display Wrong Results Easy To Fool and Change Results False Positives

Content At Scale- AI Detector

With a lot of AI detection tools being made available to the public, choosing the right one can be hard. However, with Content At Scale’s AI Detecotr, you should leave your worries. With Content At Scale, all you need to do is paste in your text and see whether it’s AI written or written by a human being. This tool not only looks at how the language is written but also digs into semantic analysis algorithms. Content AI Scale can also be used to determine whether any SEO content has AI-generated content and also check to see if assignments and homework are being done using AI generators or not. The best reason to pick up Content AI Scale is simply that this is a free-to-use AI Detector. The tool is also able to detect whether AI has been used in marketing content. Website Link: Content AI Scale

Free To Use Easily Detect Any Type of AI Generated Content View Human Content Score

Can Easily Fool the AI Detector With Small Changes Might Not Deetc COntent Written the same AI ContentCreator

Hugging Face GPT 2 Output Detector

Open Source tools and programs are widely accepted among the masses. Here’s HuggingFace’s GPT 2 Output Detector, which is not only free to use for the public but also has its source code available to the public, With this tool, you will be able to identify the AI-generated text as well as remove it from the said article or paragraph. Website Link: Hugging Face’s GPT 2 Output Detector

Free To Use Simple Interface Real and Fake Bar To Indicate Type Of Text Entered

Accuracy Issues Reliable Results AFter entering 50 or More Words

AI Text Classifier by OpenAI

You’ve heard of Open Ai, the team behind ChatGPT. While they have created a strong AI tool that responds to queries and does everything on its own, they have also created an AI tool that helps detect whether particular content was generated by AI or not, and that also includes if it has used CHatGPT to generate text. AI text Classifier is a fine-tuned GPT model. While ChatGPT requires you to pay up to $20 a month, you can easily make use of an AI text Classifier for free. Website Link: AI Text Classifier

Free To Use Requires 150 Words To Detect

Can Have Accuracy Issues With Both Types of Text Easily Edit text To Fool The Detector Unable TO Correctly Detect Text Written In English Text Written By Children Can Trigger Flase Positives


GLTR or Giant language model Test Roomz With this free tool, you can easily check out and see whether AI wrote a small part of the text or if a human being wrote it. The way that you can use this service is by simply copying and pasting a snippet of the text into the search box and clicking the analyze button. What’s unique about GLTR is that it is able to display the list of predicted words With the words that it highlights in different colors, you will be able to easily understand if it’s a human-written text or simply just an AI-generated text. Website Link: GLTR

Simple User Interface Free To Use View Predicted Words

Accuracy Issues As Tool Was Last Updated With Data From 2019 First Time Users Will Not Understand The Tet Charts And Predictions

These are the best AI detection tools that you can use either for free or by paying up a small monthly fee. The thing with such tools is that there will always be a lot of AI detection tools that will be showing up. A lot of institutions and organizations are gearing up to take the war against AI-generated content to higher levels. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.


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